Deep thoughts and gists
by Paweł Piątkowski

Range matching

I came up with this idea watching an awful, complicated multiple-if block that assigned different outcomes to several ranges. I thought that something like switch() would be more elegant, concise and easier to read. How about this:

x = 7
  .. < 0   ~ "negative",
  .. == 0  ~ "zero",
  .. < 10  ~ "positive but below 10",
  .. <= 20 ~ "between 10 and 20",
  default  = "above 20"

# [1] "positive but below 10"

Those double dots (..) represent the tested expression (here: x). (A single dot would look better, but I wanted to keep it compatible with tidyverse.)

PS. Obviously the applications of this function are not limited to matching ranges. You can use any conditions that yield a logical value.